Introducing British Sign Language Online Course

Introducing British Sign Language Online Course

Suggested price: £25.00

Introducing British Sign Language

Minimum price: £3.00



Pay What You Can

We want to make learning BSL accessible to everyone. You can enrol for as little as £3 – or contribute more if you’re able, to support other learners and help us keep this course available.

  • £3 (£2.50 + VAT) – For students or those on a tight budget.
  • £15 (£12.50 + VAT) – Covers the course cost.
  • £25+ (£20.83 + VAT) – Helps fund further resources and supports other learners.

These are only suggestions; please pay what you feel is right for you. We’re a self-funded organization with no external grants.

The amount you enter includes VAT.